Xiamen(Haicang) International Half Marathon in 2022


Xiamen(Haicang) International Half Marathon officially opened at 7:30 am on Nov 13. Over 20000 runners gathered in Haicang Bay, with the beauty of the seaside, to experience the scenery of “ the garden on the sea”. 

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There are many well known runners in this Marathon, such as national half marathon record holder Dong Guojian, who has competed in the Xiamen Marathon several times and also obtained many achievements. Wang Xu, a famous athlete from Liaoning Province, has been a regular participant of Xiamen marathon for more than 10 years. And Liu zhuang, becoming a professional athlete soon after retired, professional runner Guan Yousheng, Jiao Anjing and so on.

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Athletes sway sweat on the runway and enjoy running. After a fierce competition, the men’s championship was fought between Dong Guojian and Chen Tianyu. Finally, Chen crossed the 

finish line first, becoming the Champion in this half marathon. Liang Tiantian, who took the lead in the race from beginning to end and became the champion without doubt.

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Have you ever been in the middle of a race when the call of nature strikes? If so, you’ll know that it can slow you down if you don’t know where the portable toilets are along the race route. Your finish time will most definitely be affected if you can’t find a respectful place to go, like a designated portable toilet. So what do you do? 

Portable toilet hire is vitally important to race organisers as runners consume large amounts of liquid refreshments throughout a race.Marathon races attract hundreds of entrants of every calibre, from the elite runners and professional athletes, to the fun-runners and the first timers, but they all have one thing in common, and that is the need to go to the toilet during the course of the race. For event and race organisers this poses the questions of how many portable toilet units to hire, where to locate the portable toilets, and what type of toilet unit to hire.

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As experienced event contractors and suppliers, Toppla can advise race directors and event organizers on the quantity and type of portable toilet for running races. If you are a race organizer planning a marathon, pls contact us right now!

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